In brief
- Type Generator
- Autor Ruff
- E-mail lrs@cg.ukrtel.net
- Description The only machine that can produce ornamented ZX-Spectrum sound without clicks. In addition it has some features that has nothing to do with ZX-Speccy.
╧iΣ≥pΦ∞aΘ Γi≥≈Φτφ φoπo ΓΦpoßφΦka ! ;->
What's new in v1.1 ?
1. Slightly bugfixed ;->
2. Totally declicked (Yeah !!! I've done it !!!)
3. Reeled And Skinned ((RedSnapper4ever;-))
4. Antialiased with 24db lopass
5. Attributed (antialiasing on/off, work always on/off)
6. 'About' dlg has been added ;->
By default WorkAlways attribute is 1 (on), because there are some non-correctly
written effects (like DexFiltah with low cutoff and high resonanse) that
calculates nothing if WM is write only. But if you use only correctly written
effects, then set WorkAlways to 0. It'll save your CPU resources in some cases.
List of parameters:
Command Description
Waveform: Master osc. waveform (sine-saw-square-triangle)
Unison: _Slave osc. detune
Attack: \
Decay: \
Sustain: ADSR-envelope parameters
SustainLevel: /
Release: _/
Arp.length: Time to play 1 arpeggio note
Arp.smooth: Time to morph between arpeggio notes
Volume: Max. volume that the sound reaches when attack is complete
Ornament: Ornament number
I have made 34 ornaments, among them the most popular on Speccy are: OctaveAttack, Slideup, PerfectOct, DoubleOct, Kvint-Octave, MinorChord, MajorChord.
- This machine is not AY-emulator. It does not support AM and noise (yet), but due to the fact that original AY has
rather flat sound, I have added some non-AY features, such as chorus (to get chorus effect set
Unison to 3..10, or to get phaser effect set it to 1..2), different waveforms (it would be
rather stupid not to add this feature :-)).
- And, what about the original Speccy sound, if you care only about it's originality, set Waveform to triangle, Unison = 0, Release = the less the better, ArpLength = 20.000 ms, ArpSmooth = 2.000 ms.
Thanks follow
- to jiSm 4 skinning, finding the main bug, the BEST demotune and lots of moral support
- to ladproject 4 some presets and moral support
- to Jochem van der Lubbe for some info (thnx alot)
- to Claudio Bustos for bugtesting (sorry, I can't find a PC that crashes on SPECCY to fix the bug), info and moral support
- to Bert Hulshoff (sorry...)
- to Swetlana Semenowa 4 moral (and may be some other ;-> ) support
- to koses p. and Wannja 4 greetinxx ;-> and moral support
- to James Counihan 4 moral support
- to Feliciano Guimar╓es 4 moral support
- to Oskari Tammelin for the best tracker on PC platform.
If you have found this machine very useful and even wrote a song using it, of course,
I won't mind to hear it. But if you don't feel any nostalgie when you hear triangle wave changing
its pitch 50 times per second and you consider that this machine suxx and I'm a lamer, I would be very pleased
to receive from you some texts on DSP programming, where I could find some formulae to make some cool
I'll be glad to find smth at:
TRIP-HOP 4ever !
Thousand of greetinxx from ex-USSR !
keep buzzzzzzing !